TheLocalEngineer joins Substack


    With the start of 2023 a few areas of The Local Engineer community are getting revamped with some tailoring to the old methods of podcast interviews, STEM news alerts and new job postings. With the entire podcast having just started in 2021 along with the website, the LLC itself and other administrative chores growing more than the show itself, things began to lag behind the content posting schedule which was unacceptable. The decision to pause the show publicly and refine things behind the scenes was hard but necessary to get a bearing on what the show was to propel and what was not ready to try out.

    The biggest change beginning January 2023 is our ability to consistently produce podcast interviews, promote local engineering businesses and lay the groundwork to connect local engineers in key areas. Another key offering from the podcast episodes will be based on large user feedback to focus on highlighting the interviewee’s professional accomplishments and/or a business’s product or service. After hearing from many of our listeners at the end of last year and reviewing the episode data, we saw a clear indicator that the episodes that focused on the engineer’s achievements or the technology of their discipline far outranked the original conversation angle of the person’s life story. We want to avoid the situation like so many other shows that interview entrepreneurs, athletes, and celebrities that end up playing the same song but with a different name on the headline. You listened first, then spoke. So we listened and have now formulated a plan to refine the show and the community.

    So many new things are to come this year, maybe a couple are too ambitious but like a successful engineer once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison.

    Thank you for being a part of The Local Engineer community and for your unwaivered support over the last year or so of the growing pains of our new venture. We promise to in return bring you new sources of STEM news, special interviews and business spotlights along with many other things.

All the best, Drew Biskup - The Local Engineer

If you would like to make a suggestion for the show, please reach out to me and I will reply as soon as I am able.

Don’t forget to head over to to subscribe to our Substack!

Thank you for reading The Local Engineer newsletter. This post is public so feel free to share it, we appreciate your help to grow the community.
